The minutes right after a car accident are a blur. What just happened!? Am I okay? What am I supposed to do now?

…Take some deep breaths, and then:
1. Move to a safe location
If you are able to move your vehicle, get to a safe location (off the road or on the shoulder) and put your hazard lights on.
2. Check on everybody involved
Are you okay? Any soreness or pain? What about the passengers in the other vehicle(s)? Above all, it’s important to make sure everyone involved is OK.
3. Call 911
The dispatcher will ask where you are and if anybody is hurt. Give them as many details as you can (mile markers, landmarks, etc. are extremely helpful). If the police come to the scene, they will file a report of your car accident. This will help your insurance claim process.
4. Exchange insurance information with anyone involved
Whether law enforcement is able to come to the scene or not, documentation is extremely important. Make sure you take down important details, like:
- Driver’s contact information (name, phone number and address)
- License plate numbers
- Driver’s license numbers
- Car insurance information (like their auto ID card) that will show insurance company and policy number
If you or someone else in your vehicle can safely take photos of the scene, it can help with your claim too.
5. Call your insurance agent
After the police arrive, call your agent for guidance on the next steps. If the accident happens after your insurance agent’s operating hours, most insurance companies have a 1-800 after hours number too.
If you have any questions about the claim process or how to prepare yourself and your family, please do not hesitate to contact our office. We are here to help!