Home insurance has been around for centuries. The first forms of insurance were recorded by Babylonian and Chinese traders with the first documents of methods written around 1750 BC. So one could say that the insurance industry has seen just about everything. Even today, there are home policies that cover some weird things.
1) Things that Fall from the Sky
Most homeowners have an “open perils” policy which essentially means that if something falls from the sky and damages your home, you’re usually covered. These situations range from plane crashes to meteors and space junk.
2) Volcano Damage
This may not be very weird, but it’s certainly not something that I’ve thought about often. However, if you live near mountains that have volcanic activity, more than likely your policy will have “magma damage” on the list. Whether the volcano is active or dormant, the policy is added as a precautionary. However, it only covers damage caused by lava or volcanic ash. So, if an earthquake during an eruption causes damage, you would need to also have a separate earthquake policy.
3) Gravestones
If you live in a loved one’s house, their gravestone may be covered by your home insurance. This is because they’re an extension of the person who used to live in your home. This coverage will probably stay in place until you no longer own your family member’s house.
4) Party Damage
Now this could be a double-edged sword. If you throw a party that gets a little out of hand and something in your house gets broken, like if someone crashes through the banister or table or a window or mirror gets broken, you may be covered. Your home insurance policy could have a line where that kind of damage is included. However, if the party-goer gets injured, you may be liable for their injuries due to Social Host Laws.
5) Stampede
If you live out in the country or in a neighborhood, you might be covered. Stampedes aren’t very common, but wild animals can still cause damage to your home. So this coverage may be worth having. However some animals, like non-wild rodents, aren’t covered in Stampede Insurance.
One Thing That Most Likely isn’t Covered
Damage caused by birds. Yes, birds.
This may seem weird since we just talked about most policies having protection against wild animals. The answer is simple: birds build their nests in nearby trees or in your roof therefore it’s their home too.
So if birds, bugs, or vermin are giving you problems it’s best to call pest control as soon as possible to save yourself from having to pay for any damages.
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